To Do In Yogyakarta


Borobudur and Prambanan are ancient temples near the town of Yogyakarta.

In Indonesian Bahasa language, “candi” means “temple”. Candi Borobudur and Candi Prambanan are the most famous temples in Indonesia and renowned World Heritage sites in Indonesia. 

While Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, Prambanan is a Hindu temple. Furthermore, the temple of Borobudur is the largest Buddhist temple in the World and the largest temple in Indonesia, while the temple of Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia. Both temples are remarkable holy places of worship, architectural masterpieces.


The palace of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat or called Kraton Yogyakarta is the Javanese culture living museum. The palace is the main living area of Sultan of Yogyakarta and his family. It became a cultural center for the Javanese people and include a museum that displays the sultan’s goods.

Taman Sari Water Castle, also known as Taman Sari (Javanese: ꦠꦩꦤ꧀ ꦱꦫꦶ), is the site of a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It is located about 2 km south within the grounds of the Kraton, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Built-in the mid-18th century, the Taman Sari had multiple functions, such as a resting area, a workshop, a meditation area, a defence area, and a hiding place.[2]

Taman Sari consisted of four distinct areas: a large artificial lake with islands and pavilions located in the west, a bathing complex in the centre, a complex of pavilions and pools in the south, and a smaller lake in the east. Today only the central bathing complex is well preserved, while the other areas have been largely occupied by the Kampung Taman settlement. Walking in the small lanes all around is particularly interesting.



One of the main tourist attractions in Yogyakarta is Jalan Malioboro as a name of the street that becomes iconic of Yogyakarta city. The street is alive 24 hours a day and extends for 1 km from North to South with historical Dutch colonial-era architecture, new modern building architecture mixed in with the Chinese and contemporary commercial districts. 

Best way to explore the streets is by foot. Another fantastic option is hiring a becak (pedicab) or the ubiquitous four-wheeled horse-drawn carts called “Andong”.



Yogyakarta has other centers of interest than the Sultan Palace and Malioboro.

  • Take some time to visit the amazing Kota Gede. Being one of the oldest surviving Javanese towns. A half-day walking visit will be a fantastic experience during your stay in Yogyakarta to discover his special architecture, traditional life, market, silver handicraft in a quiet atmosphere.
  • One place that must be also visited is a cool night tour, namely Alun-Alun Kidul Yogyakarta. Here, it will usually be very crowded at night, and various things can be done here such as riding a spectacular “odong-odong”, dinner on the ground in the middle of the place or close your eyes with a piece of cloth and walk past the twin beringin trees to have all the requests you want will be realized!


If you have time you can visit some more interesting places around Yogyakarta.

  • Mount Merapi Volcano
  • Parangtritis and other beaches.
  • Gunung Kidul 
  • Dieng Plateau